Technical Feature

Sailorz uses a new experimental controler that we made. We had to find a new type of controller using electrical signals and transform them into input for the game.

Best Features

In Sailorz the players will have to be coordonated to maneuver the ship through a sea full of dangers.


This is a school project in a team of six. We had to find a new type of controller using electrical signals and transform them into input for the game.

My role

I participated in the core Game Design and it development through the game feel of the mechanics and the feedback of playtesters. I had the task of doing all the electrical installation and transforming the electrical signals into input for the game.

About the game

Sailorz is a four players game. The players will have to be coordonated to control the ship they are in. Each player applies some pressure on a plate. The more players there are on the same side, the faster the boat will turn. They have to collect the maximum numbers of treasures and try to not break their ship on an icerberg.
